Saturday, May 15, 2004

Welcome to to the Montgomery County Library Blog

This is an experiment to create an interactive online replacement to that old fashioned paper thingy called the Library Ledger . Post your opinion or add a post of anything you would like to share with other Montgomery County Library staff. To create a new post use your blog this button on your google toolbar or go to

our username is: countylibrary
our password is: dotorg


Blogger Greg Tramel said...

Hello Bloggers, let's not view this as a replacement or substitute for "that old-fashioned paper thingy called the Library Ledger." There's still a place under the sun for formal or semi-formal publications (duh! we wouldn't have our present jobs without 'em). Instead let's treat th' blog as a less structured and more immediately responsive communicative device.
Congrats to Gregory for bringing it into being so expeditiously and looking good too!
Barbara Miller

10:50 AM


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